Thursday, December 18, 2008

Special Time

I know that the weight of the recession is beginning to hit a lot of people. I heard on the radio one lady say that her kids will only be getting heat and food for this christmas.

The one thing that I see in what people feel is such a horribe situation is that we are forced to remember that this season is not about the gifts you get. For so many years parents ran around and made themselves go broke to make sure their children have toys. Well now many are on a fixed budget so spending money on toys is not a option. That can seem bad but it actually makes us all spend more time with our family and not stressing about how much debt we created.

This special time of year is about love so as you sit at home or where ever you decide to be love whomever you are with. That is worth much more than your money could buy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is it me?

I am a only child. Sometimes the only child comes out and I don't want to be bothered with other people. I learned a long time ago that being with just "me" is not a problem.

In the adult world though instead of just being the only child I have turned into the woman that shuts down. The one with a attitude. The person who does better off without anyone bothering her. Is that how I am seen?

I really feel like people get me confused. I can play and joke all day with the best of them but I am serious about my business. I am serious about what I produce and support.

Is that the reason people start acting brand new around me? Am I suppose to lower my leader characteristics because other people don't want to give 100%.

If that is the case then I guess I am guilty.

It is me and I am that:
"Power House" that you either want to be around or would rather hate on.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Looking With the Naked Eye by Stacey Barlow

Our visions start when we are little children. Around the age of five, everyone has had an imaginary friend growing up. This teaches us how to play alone when our parents may have been too busy or we just didn’t have anyone around our age to play with. As we get older, we start thinking about what goals and dreams we desire to accomplish. Television is a part of that vision because a few of us tend to emulate our favorite entertainers. We watch what characters they play and feel like, at times that this character is a good character to portray while growing.

I grew up wanting to be many different things in life. My first attraction was becoming a firefighter, then a tennis player. In my teen years, it was to become a detective after reading in a well-known African American magazine about a female detective in New York. Then while listening to the radio, I decided that I wanted to become a DJ now known as radio personalities. In my late teens, I was very interested in politics. I loved Civics and told myself that I would become a lobbyist and work in the white house.
Always having the love of English, my interests started to change without me even thinking about it. I ended up working at the Literature and Language Department when I went off to college, and when I returned, I worked as a substitute teacher. Within those years, I had been writing poetry, entering contests and receiving awards. A suggestion made by my sister that I need to do something with my work. I took the necessary steps to get started. I sat down one day and had a revelation. Without realizing it, my life become full circle. In this process, I was writing down things that I wanted to accomplish. I found that list earlier this year.

With life’s vicissitudes, you may have gone through a struggle whether is be good or bad. When you write things down what you want out of life that is a step in the right direct. All you have to do is manifest it. Webster’s dictionary states that a visionary is a person who has fantastic ideas but the ideas are not real.

If you have very good ideas, let those ideas come to life by networking with people in your circle, but be careful whom you tell your visions to because they may not be apt to listen and later take your dreams as their own. Let us change the meaning of visionary, show the world what we have seen, and desire to do.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Persevere Newsletter

The newest issue of Persevere Newsletter has been released. If you would like to see a copy of the bi-monthly newsletter email

Currently they are looking for writers, editors, and photographers that wish to submit work.

Thanks much!